Weekly Grow+Go
Help your parishioners grow as disciples of Christ
Reach your parishioners beyond the pew through spiritually-nourishing Grow+Go weekly content for your parish bulletin and digital platforms
- Weekly insights written especially for parishioners encouraging them to GROW as disciples of Jesus Christ, and GO evangelize
- Each week's content is tied to the Sunday readings for that week
- Use the content your way: in a printed or digital bulletin, parish E-news, on your website and on social media
- Downloadable in convenient formats -- jpg, PDF, or Word
$5 Monthly
$60 Annually- includes a 30-day free trial
Payment information
Grow+Go Digital Content from FAITH Catholic. Weekly insights written especially for parishioners to encourage them to GROW as disciples of Jesus Christ, and GO evangelize! Each week's content is tied to the Sunday Scripture readings for that week. And you'll receive options to help you use the content your way — in a printed or digital bulletin, parish E-news, on your website, and on social media.
We asked parishes what they wanted, and we're delivering! Grow+Go Digital Content is available as a monthly or yearly subscription. Each month, you'll have access to a subscription website where you'll find the content in a variety of formats for the entire month.
Priests, deacons, parish ministry staff members, and bulletin editors gave us their input: evangelizing content for parishioners is desperately needed! Each month, your parish credit card will automatically be billed just $5 or choose the option to pay for the year with a one-time annual charge of $60.
Subscribe today! Help your parishioners Grow+Go to be evangelizing disciples of Christ!
Weekly content tied to Sunday scriptures
A crucial element of Grow+Go Digital Content is its focus on the Sunday Scripture readings for each week. These reflections — all fully reviewed and approved by our staff theologian — embolden parishioners to joyfully witness to their faith in their everyday lives so that their example draws others to Christ. This evangelizing content from FAITH Catholic breaks open the Word each week to inspire and inform.
Use across all platforms — print, digital, social
Parishes are communicating more effectively than ever before on a wide range of platforms. Grow+Go Digital Content is meant to be used in every format. Subscribers may print the content and accompanying graphic in the parish bulletin or include it in a digital bulletin, and may also use it in parish E-newsletters, on the parish website, and in social media posts. Your subscription gives you options that will make the most of the content for your parishioners!
Download the format you need for every purpose
With your subscription, you'll have access to the subscription website with options for downloading the content in the format you need — full-page pdf, half-page pdf, copy-only versions in pdf and Word, plus a ready-to-post social media graphic. There's nothing to do but drag and drop the content into your publication or digital platform!
Special prayers for special occasions
Included with your subscription — special universal prayer in times of tragedy, thanksgiving, during specific liturgical seasons, and for important events in the Catholic world.