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Daily Homilies
Thousands of priests and deacons rely on Daily Homilies from FAITH
Since 1969, thousands of priests and deacons have relied on Daily Homilies from FAITH Catholic for reliable, insightful and inspiring Sunday and weekday homilies. Fully vetted by FAITH Catholic's staff theologian, complete homilies can be preached as written or used as inspiration for your original homilies.. Now more convenient than ever with online access.
- Search by lectionary, date or keyword
- Easy to read on iPad or mobile device, or download, edit and print
- Time-saving homilies when you are asked to cover Mass at the last minute
- Ideas to help you inspire your parishioners to grow as disciples
$90 Digital Only
- 365 day online- any time on any device- content access
- Monthly Downloads either in Word .docx or PDF formats
- Copy and Paste functionality
$124 Print & Digital
Receives 4 printed and mailed quarterly issues
- online- any time on any device- content access for the length of your subscription
- Monthly Downloads either in Word .docx or PDF formats
- Copy and Paste functionality