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Universal Prayer & Commentary


Thousands of priests and deacons rely on Universal Prayer and Commentary from FAITH!

Join the thousands of parishes across America that value this daily resource for Sunday and weekday Masses. FAITH Catholic's Daily Universal Prayer and Commentary includes:

  • Opening and closing prayers for the presider 
  • Reference to the reading number in the lectionary
  • Focus statement about the readings
  • Universal Prayer (petitions)
  • Convenient online access every day, or download monthly or quarterly and print for use in parish liturgy binders
Product Sample  Single, Non subscription issue

$90 Digital Only

  • 365 day online- any time on any device- content access
  • Monthly Downloads either in Word .docx or PDF formats  
  • Copy and Paste functionality to print or add your own prayers 

$124 Print & Digital

Receives 4 printed and mailed quarterly issues 


  • online- any time on any device- content access for the length of your subscription
  • Monthly Downloads either in Word .docx or PDF formats  
  • Copy and Paste functionality to print or add your own prayers 


*Binders not included in subscription price

Taxability Information

Subscribe for access
Universal Prayer binder on the ambo

This flagship parish product from FAITH Catholic is a staple for many parishes and is usually kept right on the ambo. FAITH Catholic’s writers incorporate themes from the readings and liturgical year into the universal prayer.

reading the Universal Prayer

You don’t have to devise your own intercessions for daily or weekend Masses with this vital resource from FAITH Catholic. Choose a printed booklet mailed to you each quarter with digital access or a digital-only subscription you can download as a  Word document or PDF file saved to your computer. 

woman reading in a church

Parishes that use Daily Universal Prayer and Commentary strongly recommend this reliable, convenient liturgical resource. In customer surveys:  

  • 90% of subscribers use Daily Universal Prayer at least once per week
  • 98% say the commentaries are "useful"
  • 99% say they would recommend Daily Universal Prayer

Special prayers for special occasions

Included with your subscription — special universal prayer in times of tragedy, thanksgiving, during specific liturgical seasons, and for important events in the Catholic world. 

Universal Prayer and Commentary cover fan image

Special intentions for recent hurricanes

For those devastated by the recent hurricanes, may they find hope in God’s love, and may God’s grace sustain them in the work of recovery and rebuilding, let us pray to the Lord.

For those who have died in the recent hurricanes, may God welcome them into the eternal joy of heaven, let us pray to the Lord.

Fanfold of Universal Prayers and Commentary subscription covers

Special Prayer for Natural Disasters

For those affected and displaced by natural disasters in the U.S. and around the world, may they find comfort in God’s love, and be blessed with grace and strength as they work to rebuild their homes and communities, let us pray to the Lord.
